From the start of September this year we have decided to start homeschooling our daughter. She only turned 4 in June so we are actually starting a year early. The main reason is to see how she gets on with me being her 'teacher' and also if it is feasible once I have had the baby to be able to give her enough attention to be able to home school before it is compulsory at the age of 5.
At the moment we tend to start lessons at about 9.15 once we have dropped her brother to school and we usually sit down and do about an hour's worth of formal work. Initially when I researched homeschooling I was a little unsure if an hour would be sufficient but I've been pleasantly surprised by how much work we can manage to get done in that hour. I usually then have suggested that we have a treat this may be playing snap, sticking or getting the play dough and the dough cutters out.
It's important to me as well that through homeschooling our daughter get's to explore the Christian faith. I was a little unsure of how to work it into her schooling but decided on giving her a biblical topic for the term. So from September she has been learning about Noah's ark. Firstly, we read the story and then we have branched out looking at boats, rainbows and African animals.